"Beyond the Blue" is based on the traveling exhibition organized by Prison Arts Collective’s team and includes over 100 works by artists and writers who are incarcerated. The goal of the exhibition is to share the art and voices of those who are incarcerated to disrupt stereotypical or simplistic ideas about people in prison, and reflect the diversity of experience and depth of thought and feeling of the artists and writers.
100% of proceeds support PAC programs.
This book is made possible through a Community-based
Research Grant from the Office of Community Engagement at
California State University, San Bernardino, donated services by Shoreline Publishing Group LLC, and additional support from
Transformative Arts, an initiative of the California Arts Council and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
To make a donation and receive Beyond the Blue as a "thank you," click on the link above to access our donation page.
“Through the Wall” is based on the exhibition organized by CSUSB Community-based Art and hosted by CB1-G Gallery in Los Angeles in 2016. The book is co-edited by Annie Buckley and Matthew McMilon and designed by Julian Rubalcaba. It includes work from the exhibition and writings from participants, teaching artists, faculty, and correctional staff. Published with support from Shoreline Publishing.
100% of proceeds support PAC programs.
To make a donation and receive Through the Wall as a "thank you,"
click on the link above to access our donation page.