To expand our communications during the Covid-19 pandemic, Prison Arts Collective created Outside:Inside Productions, which includes instructional videos in art and creative wellness and a series of radio interviews with artists, writers, and musicians who are formerly incarcerated. Outside:Inside Video includes a series of videos that have been approved to play for participants in all 33 correctional institutions and are also available to the public on our website and on youtube. Outside:Inside Radio showcases artists whose lives have been impacted by incarceration. Guest artists share their personal journeys and advocate for the transformative power of the arts as a human right. The radio show airs on KSPC on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m., and are also uploaded to "Outside:Inside Radio" on Spotify and Anchor.fm. Thanks to everyone at Arts in Corrections, a partnership of the Art Council and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, for their awesome ongoing support!
Credits for Outside:Inside Productions
Mentor, Raegan Kelly, PAC Advisory Board Member
Video Editor, Patrick Evans
Radio Host, Gabriel Hernandez
Introduction Music: Joshua Ford
Click here to watch the video playlist!
Prison Arts Collective Discussion
In this short video, Annie Buckley, PAC Founding Director and Chair of Art + Design at San Diego State University, and Stan Hunter, PAC founding member and Lead Teaching Artist, discuss the Prison Arts Collective and the positive influence of arts in corrections.
Click here to watch the video!
In Newsroom, we welcome you to visit Events to learn about collaborations and presentations. You can find a full listing of articles about our work and by our team in News Archive and see images and watch videos of participants in Gallery. Learn more and find program information in Media Contact.
"Prison Arts Collective Moves Headquarters to SDSU" , by Georgia Burgé, SDSU College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, November 4, 2019
"Inmate Artworks on Display at California State Capitol", by California Department of Corrections, January 18, 2019
"Disruption! Art and the Prison Industrial Complex" , by Pitzer College Art Galleries, August 1, 2019